I am using the YAWL engine (YAWL 3.0.1).

I have installed recently the worklet service. But, the problem is that this service doesn't work.

These are the different steps that I have followed to install it :
- configuration : I have followed the steps in YAWLUserManual3.0.pdf
- instaling the rules editor

I wanted to test it first using the casualty treatment example:

- create the casualty_treatment.yawl specification , and the testFever.yawl specification
- put the testFever.yawl under repository/worklets.
- open the rules editor, open the casualty_treatment.yawl specification and create the rules. The casualty_treatment.xrs is created then under repository/rules
- open the casualty_treatment.yawl and associate the treat task with the worklet service.
- start the engine
- login as an admin in the engine
- upload the casualty_treatment.xml document specification
- when running it I have got the "treat" task running without being replaced by the testFever !

Are there any other steps that I have missed when using of the worklet service? Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I have forwarded your question to Michael. I would be pleased about some feedback if the problem can be solved.

I am having the same problem but cannot figure out why the worklet is not starting when running the main yawl file. I tried www.yaug.org/content.reusing-yawl-specifications-subworkflows and for some reason in the runtime it does not identify that there is a worklet needed to execute. So basically the runtime just run the MainProcess workflow only.

I hope you can help.

Thank you